Comparing Sand and Diatomite Filtration Step-by-Step

Step 1: Analysis of quartz sand and diatomaceous earth for filter materials

Quartz sand

Quartz sand is a kind of filtration medium in swimming pool water treatment equipment, and the filtration method used here is deep filtration. When the swimming pool water passes through the quartz sand layer, the suspended debris in the pool water is blocked and adsorbed by the quartz sand as it passes through the upper layer. The suspended matter stays on the upper layer of the quartz sand, and the suspended matter accumulates on the upper layer to form a filter membrane, which also plays a filtering role. Quartz sand filtration purifies swimming pool’s water quality though this repeated filtration method .


With the development of technology, diatomaceous earth has also been widely used in swimming pool water treatment. In the past, diatomaceous earth was often used in water treatment for beverage, wine, medicine, and other applications. Diatomite naturally has the characteristics of porosity, can naturally perform effective interception and adsorption function, not only can clean the suspended matter in the pool water, but also can remove the organic matter, sporozoon and bacteria in the water to a certain extent. The filtration effect is better than that of quartz sand to a certain extent. However, the price and cost of diatomite are relatively high.

Step 2: Comparative analysis of the advantages of quartz sand and diatomite

Quartz sand and diatomaceous earth have advantages and disadvantages, quartz sand is produced in large quantities, its production is convenient, the price is low, and it’s easy to replace. Although there are substantial reserves of diatomite around the world, it’s mining is more challenging, the quality of the mined products is also relatively poor, and the price is relatively expensive. It’s a hassle to replace. Quartz sand filtration has been used and improved for more than 50 years, but the use of diatomaceous earth has been relatively recent. How to choose the filtration medium of the swimming pool water treatment equipment, this should be based on the requirements of water treatment and the scope of application. Usually large and small swimming pools are filtered with quartz sand, and some villa swimming pools and high-standard swimming pools use diatomaceous earth filtration. In contrast, diatomite filtration technology can effectively remove bacteria, require less chemical agents, partly control organic matter and ammonia nitrogen, and make the swimming pool water into a virtuous cycle treatment method, suitable for high-grade swimming pool circulating water treatment. Sand tank filtration is suitable for any swimming pool and has a wide range of applications.

Step 3: Comparison of water saving of diatomaceous earth and quartz sand filtration in swimming pools

For example: If a swimming pool contains an indoor standard swimming pool and a leisure swimming pool, the two swimming pools share a set of swimming pool water treatment equipment system, the pool surface area is about 2000㎡, the total volume is about 3500m³, the cycle period is 6h, the total circulation water is about 600m³/h, The circulation mode adopts the counter-current circulation mode recommended by FINA with the overflow of the bottom part of the water.

Water saving performance comparison

Comparison of supplemental water

The requirement of 5%-10% of the daily supplemental water is determined on the premise of quartz sand filtration, in order to dilute the chemicals added to the pool water and the resulting increase in TDS. And it is stated in the specification that “it is a reference value in the case of incomplete information”. However, because of the high filtration accuracy of the diatomite filter and the use of the ozone system, the dosage of chemical agents is greatly reduced, so the amount of supplementary water should be reduced according to the actual situation. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, 30L of supplementary water per person can be used. According to the statistics of the operation project, the maximum daily water recharge is 0.03m³/ person ×1500 people /d=45 (m³/d). The use of diatomite filter can reduce the pool water recharge by 68%, and the remaining 32% pool water recharge: 3500m³/d×5%×32%=56 (m³/d), so the control of the chemicals in the pool water and the TDS rise caused by it is still safe and reliable, and the diatomite filter should slightly increase the number of backwashing times during the peak period, and the amount of supplementary water will also appropriately increase.

pool sand filter
The pool sand filter is filtering pool water by the pool

Step 4: In-depth exploration of diatomite filtration in swimming pool water treatment

Structural characteristics of diatomite

Swimming pool water treatment equipment diatomite filtration process

Advantages of diatomaceous earth filter

  1. Compared with the same water treatment pool sand filter, diatomite filter area is large, small equipment volume, small quality, easy installation, small footprint, small backwash water.
  2. The use of less chemicals, only need to add disinfectant drugs, no need to add flocculants, reduce the supporting equipment.
  3. High filtration accuracy, can filter all kinds of impurities above 1μm, the turbidity of the effluent is close to 0, resulting in clear and transparent water quality. Can filter coliform, cryptosporidium, Giardia and other bacteria, viruses. The experimental results show that the filtration rate of bacteria is greater than 99.5%, and that of virus is greater than 85%.
  4. The backwashing strength of the diatomite filter is the same as the filtering strength; More water and energy efficient than pool sand filters.


Diatomaceous earth filtration technology has gradually been introduced into the swimming pool water treatment equipment, and achieved good water purification effect, the amount of injection is small, the equipment room area required is small, less heat loss and other characteristics, can reduce infrastructure investment can also reduce operating costs, considerable economic benefits, but the diatomaceous earth filter price is higher. However, with the increasing use of  diatomaceous earth filtration and control technology, it is expected that its application in swimming pools will become more extensive. Each filtration method has its advantages and is suited to different types of applications based on the specific requirements for particle size removal, flow rate, and cost.