How to Choose the Right Sand Filter for Your Home

The pool also has its own special cleaning tools, and friends at home should know more about this . As winter gives way to spring. Do you want to relieve fatigue by swimming in the pool in your villa, but you are frustrated by a pool that hasn’t been cleaned in winter. You might be thinking, ‘It’s so dirty, how am I going to clean it? Now I’m going to introduce you to a very handy tool – the pool filter.

What is a pool filter

Pool Filter

The role of pool filter

Remove impurities and particles from the water

Pool filters can only remove visible impurities and particles in the water, such as sediment, rust, and precipitation. They cannot filter dissolved harmful substances in the water.

Purify water quality

Different types of pool filters, such as the pool sand filter, can help remove harmful chemical and biological contaminants from the water.

Improve the smell of pool water

The water filter removes unpleasant odors from the water, thereby improving the pool cleanliness of the water.

Extend the life of pipes and pool walls

The water filter prevents scale from clogging the lines, thereby protecting the pipes and pool walls and extending their service life.

Save economic cost

The use of water filters can effectively reduce the frequency of purchasing and replacing faucets, thereby helping to save more economic costs.

The difference between pool pumps and filters

How to choose the right sand filter for your home

How to clean pool sand filter

  • Use the tools to remove the multifunctional valve in the sand filter, remove the bolts in the drainage tank part of the sand filter base, and then tilt the sand filter to make all the sand on the base pour to the side end of the filter;
  • Use the soft water pipe to wash the sand at the bottom, do not use too much water to avoid the sand out of the filter;
  • Slowly tilt the sand filter to the bottom and then reverse it back to the upright state to achieve the effect of vibrating sand and floating waste;
  • After the installation parts and valves in the sand filter are disassembled, all parts should be placed in the same position for re-installation;
  • Be sure to rinse the sand filter repeatedly after cleaning, about 3-4 minutes, until the water is clear;
  • Divert the wastewater to the drainage outlet or trash can; do not discharge it directly into the underground pipeline or river to avoid environmental pollution.
